You’re probably hearing the word “content” tossed around a lot and wondering exactly what it means, because you’ve probably also heard it used in different ways by different people. “Content” is a term overly-used as a blanket description for everything within your carry-on bag. Each page of your website is content. Each video, blog post, newsletter, download, email series, social post—is content.
What it means for you.
What the word content will mean within your marketing strategy will depend entirely on the needs and parameters defined within that strategy. So, if your strategy calls for video, then “content development” will heavily focus on video. If it’s blogs, blogs. You get the idea.
Where do we get it?
Nobody knows you as well as you, so we’ll lean on you (heavily) to get the copy needed for a descriptive website. We need you to educate us so that we can create a place to educate them (your prospects) about you.
We’ll also use tools like SEO keyword research to find out what your prospects are out there looking for help with.
With these two things, we can develop blog articles, videos and other tools to present them with the information that they’re already looking for.
Worth having extra baggage!
When it comes to content, you can never have enough. Every blog article, video, free download, email series (and so on) is another opportunity to connect with someone looking for exactly that phrase. The more options (pieces of content) you have in the bag, the more chances you have to share and promote on social, with ads, etc., and the more chances you have to connect with the people who are already out there looking.